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Lycorma delicatula

Biological Category 
Terrestrial Invertebrate
Species Type 
Terrestrial Invertebrate
NY Invasiveness Rank 
Very High
LHPrism Status 
Tier 1 - Threat

Vertical Tabs


To learn more about how to identify spotted lanternfly egg masses, watch this video

Introduction History 
As of November 2020, spotted lanternfly has been confirmed in Sloatsburg, Orangeburg, and Port Jervis in the lower Hudson Valley. It is chiefly found near areas of human activity such as parking lots where hitchhiking insects move from vehicles to surrounding vegetation.
Additional Information 

Spotted lanternfly was classified as Tier 1 in the Lower Hudson as of April 2020 which indicates that it had not yet been reported in the region. However since it has now been confirmed it will likely be reclassified as Tier 2, early detection.